

Oldmining.com is a new mining company that promises to yield high income for users, affiliate marketers, and advertisers. They claim that cloud mining and cloud hashing enable the purchase of mining capacity of hardware in data centers.

As usual, this post is focused on finding out if Oldmining.com is a scam or legit. We have seen a lot of websites that came and used mining as a cover-up story for their fraudulent activities.

Is Oldmining.com one of the fraudulent sites or is it legit? That you will be able to find out on this post.

What is Oldmining.com? 


Oldmining.com portrays itself as a Cryptocurrency cloud mining platform. They claim that their data centers host hundreds of miners from around the globe.

A Cryptocurrency cloud mining platform that hosts hundreds of miners from around the world, and yet, there is little to no information about them online and offline. We believe that such a giant company should be among the top known Cryptocurrency mining platforms in the world judging by their claim. But the reverse is the case, there are few articles about this self-acclaimed global crypto mining platform.

How to Join Oldmining.com

If you’re interested in joining the platform, you can do so by following the steps outlined here.

To join Oldmining.com, you will need to create an account on the platform. You can do that by visiting the website.

When you get to the site home, look for a button labeled Open Account and click on it. That will bring you to a page where you will be required to enter your registration details, your name, email, password, etc.

After you have filled the form and submitted it, you would be registered and you will be able to access the dashboard with your email and chosen platform.

Is Oldmining.com Scam or Legit?

We believe that Oldmining.com is nothing but a scam. The site does not display any information about those running the platform. It is not registered and they are offering asset management services. That alone is illegal and punishable in the law court.